Here at TTP, we would like everyone to take a moment of silence for the artist, ArtOfThePony.
Ghost, as known as ArtofthePony, was only 15 when she passed last Sunday, something that blindsided friends, family, and the community as a whole. She was described as kind and loving, and in fact had baked a sugar-free cake for her dad that morning.
She was also an artist, the moderator for the tumblrpon Ask Stoned Trixie. She was a part of the early days of tumblrpon and the community has been rocked by her passing.
So if you are reading this, whether you knew her personally, slightly, or not at all, please take a moment to think how a family lost their daughter and sister. That a star that filled our night sky of Tumblr has faded and will never reignite.
Just take a moment to remember and thank her for all that she has done.
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