
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Update on TTP

What follows is full of excuses, plans, hope & dreams. So if you are still vested in what TTP is and what it will be. Please read ahead.

Jeez its been about a month since the last update, and I apologize for that. I've been busy on a couple fronts, absent-minded on others, and plain lazy on a few others. That isn't to say that I don't have TTP on my mind constantly though. Suffice to say its all that plagues my mind on the way home from work.

Here is a few things that came of it.

Starting off, most updates are gonna be limited to midweek, most likely Tuesday, Wednsday, Thursday, at least until I can find a couple people to help along with this.

I am going to be looking for a couple individuals to assist with posting and gathering material to posting, so polish/dirty up that resume of yours.

I do wish to overhaul the site's look and interfere and add a few new features, but that will be talked about at a later date tho.

With that all being said, you can expect a new Daily Devotions tomorrow, and a collection of new/update Lore Thursday.

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